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Culture & Community
Design Studio

The studio acknowledges the pressing discussions on housing affordability in Malaysia, focusing on economic measures and governance policies. While architects are compelled to address these issues through architectural schemes, this studio steps back from immediate problem-solving to explore the concept of TROPICAL HIGH-RISE DWELLING as the foundation for architectural project development. The studio focused on exploring and questioning the opportunities and challenges of high-rise dwelling in the area between Jalan Raja Abdullah and the Klang River, Kuala Lumpur.


This project marked the culmination of the exploration into Tropical High-Rise Dwellings. Projects were developed by enhancing community value and mediate between progress and the preservation of local identity in urban contexts. Current practices in high-rise architecture were critically examined and innovated upon, demonstrating conceptual innovation and a comprehensive understanding of construction and building technology.


Component 1: Contextual Studies, Precedents and Position

Based on the site visit to Jalan Raja Abdullah and discussions on 'Culture and Community in the City', this component laid the foundation for exploring Tropical High-Rise Dwelling during the semester. The site was analyzed through the lens of 'Culture and Community', and architectural precedents were compiled for Component 2.

Component 2A: Theoretical Formulation & Design Intention

Based on the preliminary findings and positioning in Component 1, theoretical understanding was deepened, and clear individual Design Intentions were established to guide architectural exploration.


In Component 2A:

The theoretical foundation for designing a Tropical High-Rise Dwelling was prepared.
Clear design intentions were defined and developed into an architectural scheme.

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Presentation Slides

Component 2B: The Architectural Project

This component concluded my semester’s inquiry into Tropical High-Rise Dwelling. Based on findings and in-class discussions, I developed an individual project to explore the possibilities of this theme. My project aimed to add community value, balance progress with local identity, and critically examine and innovate upon current high-rise building practices.


Upon completing Component 2B, I was able to: 

- Apply research knowledge to create a cohesive and unified architectural design.

- Communicate research and design ideas effectively.

Final Presentation Slides

Final Working Drawings Set

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